Now, before I even go into this “ton-o-words” post, let me
make one thing very clear.
There is nothing in the world that applies to all persons
that are upon it. No fact, no reasoning nor subject that can be fed to every
single individual who might digest, graze or consume what is said and be
considered a nice filling snack.
It will most likely give many of you a case of the bubble guts.
What does all that mean you ask? (I heard recently that
Texas speak is a very rigorous one to learn and use…hah. Silly people.) Basically—this is not directed at any one
person or entity. It may not apply to you, some of you or hell, all of you. It
may or may not piss you off. It may or may not hurt feelings.
Or it may or may not change one damn thing. But here it
goes… (by the way, before you judgers, and you know who you are, say it’s just
another bitter author who is upset that their books aren’t doing well...wrong.
My books/sales do fine and I have not a single complaint about that—hence not a
single damn sales link in this post).
Selfishness and Pity
I’ve been in this writing biz for decades, in one form or the
other. But I have never been witness to the current downward spiral into
self-centered and serving mentality as I have for the last year or so. When did
we, as authors, become so focused on getting one more penny or dollar than one
of our peers that we resort to negative reviews, bashing, gang attitude street
teams and the saddest part of all…
The complete lack of support and encouragement to other
authors? Heaven help us if one of us
becomes successful and we helped that happen. What would the world come to?
(That’s sarcasm for those that don’t know me.)
I remember the days when we were all thrilled when one of our
fellow writers were able to give birth to a new “book baby”, or were featured
on a blog post or hell, anything. I remember when one of us had a way to
spotlight, feature or focus on another, people jumped on that. Get the word
out—in a good way.
Now, you have where if someone gets bashed, negative reviews
THAT gets more attention than someone having a positive event happening. And
even worse—when one of us has an opportunity to give an avenue to promo or
support others, no one responds. Are we THAT paranoid that we are isolating
ourselves in hopes that we won’t become fodder in some possible scenario that
MIGHT turn bad. Or we are afraid that the person offering has some hidden
agenda and might cause us harm? Whether they actually have done so to anyone in
the past.
Sure, that happens. Face it—life is life. Good, bad and the
in between. There are good people, there are bad people and then there are
those you just can’t tell. Trust me, I know all about that.
But isn’t just PUTTING a book out there for others to read
and critique conquering a huge hunk of fear? Yeah…believe me it is. So, as an
author you’ve already jumped the biggest bump in the scary road—why would you
then be so closed off to helping not only yourself but others?
I know—in the world of free books, $.99 books and books that
barely equal the page count of a bad travel brochure, the publishing world is
in a tailspin of quality and the readers are aware of it. No one trusts reviews and some blogs are
nothing more than a popularity contest or just a way for free books. When
readers see authors bashing each other, street teams ganging up to discredit an
author so maybe they can hurt sales, our readers are losing faith faster than
the elastic in a cheap pair of pants 2 sizes too small lasts. We ask ourselves
every day how we can make our mark and get notice.
Folks—negativity is NOT the way to do it. (The fact I have
to say that is frustrating in itself since most all the authors I know are
older than 18.) Sure, you can whine and say that people were mean to you, that
you were attacked and people may do some sympathy purchases of your book. A
sale is a sale, right?
You can cry and say that negative reviews are LIES and your
book is the best ever, so if you got a negative review it can’t be sincere.
Because no way would anyone NOT like your book. It’s like (insert mocking tone
here) the bestest ever! Its Amazballs (or whatever 12 year old saying you would
like to use).
Oh good god…no. Please…don’t.
Oh good god…no. Please…don’t.
I can honestly BET that no bestselling author ever hit the
lists having “pity” sales. And I can
also pretty much promise that not every reader is going to like your book. I
can also solidly confirm that most pity sales or pity reviews are just that…
Where did all this come from, you ask?
I’m so glad you asked.
My publisher as well as I have offered several avenues for
spotlights, highlights, promo and publication. We’ve tried doing author
spotlights and so few responded (we’ve done NY Times Best Selling authors as
well as indies) so we stopped that.
We’ve offered Positive Post days where all you have to do is
say something that is RIGHT about the publishing world and NOT A SINGLE PERSON
RESPONDED. And say what you will about
FB views, etc.—when you blast it across 4-5 profiles as well as Twitter etc.
and you see 100+ views—among those fellow authors—you know it’s just a lack of
trust, fear or whatever, not a “no one saw it” issue.
HELLO? We want to HELP promote you. To give you a chance to maybe find one real, genuine reader that may find your book the one they need that day. For the readers to see that there are some GOOD authors out there. That there are POSITIVE ways to find a good book or read. That they CAN TRUST that it’s not a trick or a way to bash another.
HELLO? We want to HELP promote you. To give you a chance to maybe find one real, genuine reader that may find your book the one they need that day. For the readers to see that there are some GOOD authors out there. That there are POSITIVE ways to find a good book or read. That they CAN TRUST that it’s not a trick or a way to bash another.
Most recently, we decided to get an anthology out there for
suicide awareness. My anthology in the past did fairly well and I really wanted
to give something back. So, we did an open call for authors to submit stories,
art and poetry for another anthology—this time the proceeds going to Suicide
Prevention organizations. The parameters were easy and we left it so open to be
creative as long as hope was the thread of all the stories. It was open as far
as genre as well. It would be NO cost to the authors. They would be featured as
much as everyone else was—completely equal. The anthology would be put in for
book signing in their area as well as professionally edited and printed at no
cost to the author. AND it would be sent through DBP’s 30,000 retailer
distribution list. And we would give the authors copies—AT NO COST—for being a
part. AND any additional copies they could order at COST (the same price DBP
has to pay) rather than through a retail outlet like Amazon, etc. Sounds
amazing right?
Help out a good cause…
Get your work and name out there…
Maybe hit the best seller list via wide 30,000 RETAILERS
Be put in front of brick & mortar retailer sales teams
for shelf placement…
Be included in all promos and book signings…
Guess…can you guess how many inquired or submitted to be
Have we become that self-centered and only think of
ourselves? Are we all cowering in our writers “caves” trying to pimp ourselves
out or find ways to “market” in a market that is so flooded that even the
readers are afraid to dive in and figure out what floats and what doesn’t?
I always told myself I was going to write and do my best, no
matter what—and that will never change. But my quest to be positive and encouraging
to others is difficult when I see how others around me behave. I have always
prided myself on helping anyone that needed it—no matter my time restraints of
having a pressured 9-5 job, a complicated personal life and writing. Add to
that being a part of DBP’s management? Yeah…
It would be really easy for me to say screw you all—I’m
going to worry just about myself and mine and the rest of you do the same. I
mean, my books do well, I have a great fan base and critical acclaim.
I could be like so many others out there….I DON’T NEED ANY
OF YOU, IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! I HOPE YOU ALL FAIL…as I smile and play nice to your
I HATE even thinking that way. I really do. It actually
causes a twist in my gut at the thought of becoming “one of those” people. But
my gut is twisting regardless in the behavior and lack-of-care that I am seeing
all around me.
It truly makes me want to just give up. Not give up
writing—nah, I need that as much as I need to breathe. It’s my outlet and my
therapy. But it does make me want to change how I get my works out there. With
blogs taking their free review copy and never giving a review OR giving it away
to dozens in giveaways without my permission to people “helping” by sharing my
book via file transferring and not being aware of that being pirating, it’s
incredibly frustrating.
IF I wanted my book given away for FREE—hello, I would do
that. But I don’t. Nor do I price my books (and they are ACTUAL BOOKS with more
than 300 pages, professionally edited with original covers) for $.99 unless
it’s a special event, because to be honest? I worked on a book for six months
to a year and nothing in the process was free either in time or cost, so my
works are worth more than $.99 and I think the reader both understands and
respects that. Luckily, my publisher does too. I VALUE my books and all the
hard work I’ve put in them, so they are priced accordingly. Sure, I could do
the whole freebie or $.99 all the time…but it would have made my book and
effort and well, talent, worth so much less than it merits.
Nor do I believe in the other practice—put an ebook at a
high price to get the most money from friends and family that are going to buy
it for no other reason than… well…they are friends and family, knowing once
that pool of purchases has gone dry, the book won’t have sales. AND IT DISGUSTS
should be ashamed in using the “pyramid scheme” of marketing with books. And
they’ll do it for just about any book where they can make a quick dime—where
they use AMAZON for sales. THEN, and only THEN, if they get their bucks back,
they’ll release the work as print…USING CREATESPACE?? Hello…why EXACTLY is the
author giving you all the profit if you’re doing what they could have done themselves??
It’s downright shameful.
Oh and let’s not forget incentive based reviews. I WILL
never partake in that process—either like/love my book or hate it. Just be
sincere and honest about it. I’ll take it...hell, I’ll appreciate it. But don’t
tell me that if I give you a gift card or offer you some cash you can “review
my book” favorably. (See word that means BS above)
And blogs? I love bloggers. The good ones. And trust me,
there are a few decent, ethical ones out there. But there are A LOT more that
are out to scam not only authors but readers with various tours and “packages”.
Young writer beware—blogs can mean bog as in sucking you under and never
letting you see the positive light of it all. Not to mention just taking
advantage of an author who is desperately trying to find “what works”. Too many
don’t work—they don’t work for you, they don’t work with you and they just don’t
work. Stick with bloggers you trust. Bigger? Doesn’t ALWAYS mean better (yeah,
yeah, Texas—everything is bigger. That’s not true either—sorry, thought we
needed some Texas speak, and it had been awhile).
And guess what? Books I put out a year ago are still getting
sales. One hit the bestsellers list for top ten on Amazon for almost a week and
that was because quality is quality.
Without negative bashing. Without pitiful “buy my book please” posts. Without my going out and telling someone to buy my book and not this person’s book. Without spamming a hundred groups where authors are just trying to sell to other authors selling (that…is just ridiculous).
Without negative bashing. Without pitiful “buy my book please” posts. Without my going out and telling someone to buy my book and not this person’s book. Without spamming a hundred groups where authors are just trying to sell to other authors selling (that…is just ridiculous).
Maybe I’m old school. Maybe I just don’t understand the
current publishing world (maybe I really DON’T WANT TO) and the negative and
selfish attitude of authors is just the way it is. I don’t know…and I’m really sick and tired of
trying to figure it out. I just want to
write and I just want you guys to enjoy the ride in reading it.
So, as I work on my books I have several trains of thoughts
and one of those is just releasing print only versions of my books. My limited
autograph copies always do very well (pays for the cost of printing, editing,
etc. in 48 hours alone) so I know my readers love the printed copies. I might
then release an ecopy later and Amazon ranking and reviews be damned (I’m not
sure how much faith I have in that either since I can pay someone $50-$200 bucks
to get me 100-500 reviews...and trust me…A LOT of authors go that route. Label
more shame on this too).
Like I said up there—I am old school. So I am starting to
think promo via old school methods are best since so little faith and trust is
put in the “new school” ways.
Until then…if you truly are a good, positive author who
cares about not only your books and readers but OTHERS…contact me. Please help
restore some of my wavering faith in this wonderful world of literary endeavors
and publishing…
MAYBE THAT, will get more than TWO people that give a damn.