Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just How High Can A Balloon Go?

Wow. What a week it's been.

The autographed copies of Bits and Pieces got out to the fans. And their posts and excitement had me pretty high on the author balloon.

Then our title got picked up by Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and many other book sellers, including one in the UK. Just how does one get a damn balloon off the moon?

I just don't even have words. Which is saying something for me. I always have words. It's kinda my "thang".

DBP is doing great, still starving but a happy kind of hunger.

For those who don't know where to go for that:

They are even doing a give-away of my book, signed and personalized. So go join their page and like it.

Thanks..and again...amazing week. You, all of you had a part in that.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ain't No Get Rich Thang you know, I am a writer AND a publisher. May I point out I and my business partner are NO where near rich. Not even close. So we are doing this publishing work and working real jobs and writing and doing all the things (or trying to) that we enjoy. I think everyone goes into business with a lofty hope and dream and usually realizes that that was much higher than reality. Its hard. I admit. We are constantly finding ways to save money so we can devote our funds to getting not only my works out there, but now, several other authors.

We are very lucky. We have proofers and editors that either work for free or for peanuts, just to be a part of the vision that we someday hope DBP (Dead Bound Publishing) will be.

Like now...Merchandising. As I peruse through t-shirts, mugs, tote bags and other things I am amazed the cost of it all. Our fans want it, they say they'll buy it, and I admit, I am a sucker for giving them what they want. Much to my biz partner's agony.

Sure we could just toss crap their way and say here you go. But DBP is our baby. It's the heartbeat of our creative body and we have to make sure we do right by it.

So here I sit looking through manufacturers of t-shirts and mugs (who would have thought there would be THAT many colors of grey for a t-shirt and what exactly is a friendly to the drinker mug??) trying to find ways to not only give the fans what they want, but also to keep the coffers filled so we can print the books (You have NO idea how expensive that can be....thank you good printer and distributor for being such a good affiliate)...I eye my poor neglected writings and think.....all I really want to do is write.

I wonder if any one is looking so I can?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Social Media and Me

Okay, so someone- the one I love, who is wonderful, thinks I should do that Pinterest thing as an author. Yeah. I can't even keep up with all the social media avenues that are constantly merging into the super highway (hell, does anyone even call it that anymore?) seems like daily. If this blog was goldfish, it would be belly-up, bloated and stinking up the place by now.

While I get the whole sharing everything immediately, I long for the days when writers/authors would become known and get their name out there via hard work and good writings. Not who has the biggest blog, the most friends, the herd of followers. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans. I have come to need them for support and encouragement as much as they need me for a few twisted words and tales.

But I like to think its for the writing. (It's definitely not for my sparkling personality and outgoing manner).

I keep telling myself that one of these days I will turn off the modem, disable the data on my phone and shut myself up for 7 days straight and write. Crank out a book in 7 days non-stop. I have yet to be able to pull it off (yes, I too have issues of partaking of the same thing I am bitching about, see sparkling and outgoing above).

But...ONE day I will do it.

Oh..and for the total joy of randomness...

What other words are there for SPENT?